How Much Speed Do You Need?

How Much Speed Do You Need?

When new customers connect to fiber internet, the first thing they need to do is choose an internet service plan.

The speed you need depends on your household’s internet connections, users, and activities. Here are the variables you need to consider…

How many internet-connected devices do you have?

  • Start by counting the number of computer devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. This number quickly adds up depending on how many people live in your home.
  • Next, count the number of smart appliances in your home, including smart TVs and streaming devices, smart speakers, smart security devices, smart thermostats, smart garage door openers, smart refrigerators, etc.

How much bandwidth do you need?

  • Once you have a handle on the total number of connected devices, you can estimate the download and upload capacity required for optimal online experiences.
  • Consider how often you rely on applications like Facetime, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Hangouts to connect with friends, family, school, or work.
  • Does your household game online with consoles like Playstation or Xbox?
  • Do you frequently need to send large files for work or school?

Do you have multiple, concurrent users?

  • Faster speed is needed if more than one simultaneous high-demand use will happen concurrently, such as streaming HD video, multiparty video conferencing, or online gaming.
  • Choosing a plan with adequate bandwidth will ensure that everyone in your home can use their devices at the same time without experiencing slowdowns.

The bottom line: The FCC defines 25 Mbsp download as “good” enough, but if you have more than a minimal number of devices, users, or activities, you’ll need more speed. The sweet spot for most modern households today is 100 Mbps.

We’re Here to Help

If you would like your community to be open for business with a revenue-generating high-speed fiber network, give us a call.

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